Overlord - a program product consisting of server and client. To manage clients using the server in cases where management manually too resursozatratno or impossible, as well as just for lulz*. With the help of the server can send messages to the client, to get information from him about running applications, web pages visited, the system information. The main feature is available through global hooks (sold through DLL) - an opportunity to gather information on the presses for specific applications. Available in server, starting with v. 1.0beta/with client starting with v. 1.0beta
LEGO Overlord tank,LEGO customers can manage
* - example from Lurkmore:
it: the people, I found a new nuke, now kill all !!! p>
it: Give IP adrres a thread gull !!! p>
Someone: p>
it: Thank you! p>
ONO: now he will die p>
* It departed from the chat p>
Overlord of the same game "Overlord", controls the minds of people
© 2008 - 2010 Overlord, Reznikov || Zyryanov || Leadership Project